Are you still worried about the exam and confused of the various materials and fancy training classes? The Passcert is your right choice because we can provide you with the across-the-aboard HCIA-Cloud Computing H13-511 Dumps, including questions and answer. All these will help you keep the knowledge in mind and master it. We have confidence that you will pass H13-511 exam on your first try after using our Passcert HCIA-Cloud Computing H13-511 Dumps.
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Passcert is the website that provides all candidates with HCIA-Cloud Computing H13-511 Dumps and can help all candidates pass their exam with ease. Passcert IT expert edits all-time exam materials together on the basis of flexibly using the experiences of forefathers, thereby writing the best HCIA-Cloud Computing H13-511 Dumps. The HCIA-Cloud Computing H13-511 Dumps include all questions that can appear in the real exam.Share some HCIA-Cloud Computing H13-511 exam questions and answers below.
Where can be the DRS function enable on the FusionCompute?
A. Cluster
B. Host
C. Virtual Machine
D. Operating System
Answer: A
Cloud computing is defined as a model, not just as a technology. This model can be either a business model or a service model.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
When installing FusionCompute, which of the following is the proper order of installation?
A. First install the VRM on a physical server, and then add the host through VRM. After the host is added successfully, it is the CNA host.
B. Install the CNA host first, then install the Installer on the CNA host and install the VRM through the Installer
C. Install the Installer on the PC first, then install the CNA host and VRM through the Installer
D. Use mirroring to install the server as a CNA host, and then use commands to create a VRM virtual machine on the host.
Answer: C
In Huawei FusionSphere, what kind of storage resource is added to a host, then one disk of a VM corresponds to one LUN in the storage? (Multiple Choices)
A. FusionStorage
B. Advanced SAN
Answer: AB
When creating a port group in FusionCompute, which of the following operation is wrong?
A. Set the name of the port group as "ceshi"
B. Set the port type as "Normal"
C. Set VLAN ID as "5000"
D. Add "This is a test port" in the description
Answer: C
How to Pass Huawei H13-511 exam easily? - Passcert HCIA-Cloud Computing H13-511 dumps
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