Passcert is an excellent source of information on IT Certifications. At Passcert, you can find study tips as well as Veritas VCS-261 Exam Dumps for your preparation of certification exam. Passcert Veritas VCS-261 Exam Dumps have been prepared for you by the skilled and experienced team of IT professionals who have a long experience of students' problems and their requirements of the said certification. Passcert VCS-261 exam can add your confidence in achieving your goal.
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Share some Veritas Certified Professional (VCP) VCS-261 exam questions and answers below.
What is a benefit of Veritas Extension for Oracle Disk Manager (ODM) for Oracle databases that reside on Veritas file systems? A. reduced system call overhead
B. support for large file sizes
C. improved synchronous writes
D. enhanced data integrity
Answer: A
Which two physical system resources are assigned to a specific site during the configuration of the site awareness feature? (Choose two.)
A. Disks
D. Memory
E. System
Answer: A,B
What is the default Dynamic Multi- Pathing path restoration policy?
A. check_all
B. check_alternate
C. check_periodic
D. check_disabled
Answer: D
Which command consolidates and displays records of Veritas Volume Manager and Veritas File System?
A. vxprint
B. vxstat
C. vxdiskadm
D. vxlist
Answer: D
An administrator executes the following command to initiate a deduplication dry run on the file system /mnt1 and perform the actual deduplication if the threshold crosses 60 percent:
# fsdedupadm dryrun –o threshold=60 /mnt1
Which threshold should be met of the fsdedupadm command to perform an actual deduplication run?
A. the percentage of file system disk usage
B. the percentage of expected savings
C. the percentage of scan completed
D. the percentage of the dry rum completed
Answer: B
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