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Our VMware VCP6.7-DCV 2V0-21.19 Study Guide are very relevant to cover all the topics of curriculum of VMware certification 2V0-21.19 exam with very simple explanation of every question. Our VMware VCP6.7-DCV 2V0-21.19 Study Guide are very advanced and always updated with the changing 2V0-21.19 Exam Objectives to equip you with all the necessary concepts and ideas to succeed in both the VMware 2V0-21.19 Exam and Practical Life.Share some VCP6.7-DCV 2V0-21.19 exam questions and answers below.
A vSphere Administrator has multiple virtual machines running on a VMFS datastore.
Which option prioritizes the disk access for the virtual machines?
A. Disk Shares
B. Disk Mode
C. Disk Type
D. Hard Disk
Answer: A
This error is generated when a vSphere administrator takes a VM snapshot:
An error occurred while taking a snapshot: Failed to quiesce the virtual machine
What should the administrator investigate to determine the cause of the failure?
A. Check if the virtual machine is already running on snapshots.
B. Check if the virtual machine is in suspended state.
C. Check if VMware Tools is installed on virtual machine.
D. Check if the virtual machine has an ISO mounted.
Answer: C
An administrator runs a vSphere cluster containing database VMs with extremely heavy disk I/O. Database VMs are placed on a costly all-flash array. The workloads are not memory intensive.
How can the administrator ensure the most cost-effective utilization of the all-flash storage array?
A. Enable Storage I/O Control on the flash datastores.
B. Install VMware Tools on the database VMs to ensure the hypervisor can receive I/O metrics.
C. Use a VM-to-Host affinity rule to ensure database VMs are prioritized.
D. Edit the cluster settings to place the virtual machine swap file on a different storage tier.
Answer: D
An administrator is installing a Platform Services Controller Instance.
Which two options are available during the installation process? (Choose two.)
A. choose deployment size
B. specify vSphere administrator credentials
C. enable Enhanced Linked Mode
D. create a vCenter Single sign-on domain
E. join an existing domain
Answer: D,E
What is a benefit of using resource pools?
A. Increased visibility of user activity
B. Increased vMotion efficiency for a set of VMs
C. Increased accuracy for proactive resources for a set of VMs
D. Increased ease of reserving resources for a set of VMs
Answer: D
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How to Pass VMware 2V0-21.19 exam easily? - Passcert VCP6.7-DCV 2V0-21.19 dumps
A lot of my friends from IT industry in order to pass VMware certification 2V0-21.19 exam have spend a lot of time and effort, but they did not choose training courses or online training, so passing the exam is so difficult for them and generally, the disposable passing rate is very low. Passcert provide VMware VCP6.7-DCV 2V0-21.19 Study Guide that include simulation test software, simulation test, practice questions and answers about VMware certification 2V0-21.19 exam.
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